Sunday, December 13, 2009

My dental surgery

I had to go to the hospital for an operation on my teeth. I was very nervous and scared and unhappy because my mom couldn’t come with me in the operation room. Carl was helping me to be strong because he has been in the cat hospital sooo many times. My mommy and me practiced a lot at home with a mask like the one they would use in the operation room to give me gas. But the day of the operation, the one they used was not the same as the one we practiced. Imagine if you have had a shot, they have to clean the place on the skin where they do it and it was that same smell that was all over my mouth and nose with that mask. I tried to shout that that’s not the same one as with my mommy, but before I knew it I was asleep.

The next thing I remember is that I woke up in a real bed-like bed just relaxing there. There was a big bandage on my hand with a needle stuck in my skin that sent sugar there. It made me fall asleep for about 2 hours even when I was not a bit sleepy. But I was really dizzy because of the sugar after so I had to hold my mom’s hand when I got up. I had a very silly dream when I was asleep.

Before the operation, I had to do do like a million tests. They gave me a chest x-ray, which was really cold and an ECG which is when they put a whole lot of little things on your chest to listen to your heart.

The doctor was very nice and her son is in my grade at WAB (not my same class though).

When I got home I got to unwrap the biggest gift under the Christmas
tree and it was the Star Wars lego rogue shadow!

1 comment:

  1. Great story with a really happy ending! Very interesting to read the details of the medical procedures. You handled this difficult challenge with bravery and I'm proud of you. Love, Daddy
