Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bahamas Cafe Express

Bahamas cafe has a new rail line, the Bahamas Express. It only takes 3-4 seconds to go to the Bahamas Cafe from my room. There are 3 cushions inside, three advertisements and the Train Rules. I have also taped lights so that you can see when it's dark. Also a little cover for protecting you when the train is in motion. There's even a notebook to write your thoughts about the journey. If you're a regular person who doesn't work at the Bahamas Cafe, it costs 1 rmb. If you work there, it's free.

1 comment:

  1. Does the Express move at the speed of light? It certainly is fast! This sounds like a fantastic way to travel, and I think the price is reasonable. Very good ideas with the lights inside and the cover, and the notebook too. You'll have to tell me some of the Train Rules next time we talk! Love, Daddy
