Thursday, September 17, 2009

My school biathlon

The night before I dreamed that I was about last place of 70 children in grade 2 and everyone called me a big fat loser, even the teacher. But in the end, I won 2nd place out of 70 children and got a silver medal and a "WAB biathlon/triathlon I did it". If you come here, maybe I can show it to you.

As we were waiting to go into the pool, I was really nervous. But when they said "go", I splashed in the water and really did my best. But then my friend Tony went ahead of me and we put our shoes on really quick without socks, then I started running, running , there was a person right behind me who was about to pass me and then I really speeded up my engines. On the last stretch, I was feeling really tired, and then I really did go faster. My mommy was right there, and shot a movie of it!

After crossing the finish line, I was panting for about 20 minutes. Then when I stopped panting for a bit, I had a rest and then abut 10 minutes later we went up on the stages. I went up to my second place spot and got my medal, then the first place winner came up, who was from the Netherlands so they flew his flag and played their national anthem.

And my mommy also did a great job in her triathlon. She ended up in fourth place, so she only got an "I did it" ribbon.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting story! And the videos are very exciting too. You really never gave up. It is a truly great achievement -- you should be very proud. You know that the only part that worries me a little is your dream, because I know you are not a loser. But it is good to write about it, instead of keeping it inside of you. The important thing is that you worked hard and you really tried, and you were a big winner. Very nice blog entry -- I really enjoyed it! Lots of love, Daddy
